Certified Organic Farming at Butler’s Organic Farm
To produce our eggs of the highest quality, we use a rigorous set of production and processing standards. Our farm, our hens and our eggs are inspected regularly by IOA (Irish Organic Association) to ensure that we comply with their rigorous organic production and processing standards. This certification guarantees our customers that there’s never any chemicals or antibiotics used in chickens’ diet or pastures, and that we provide them with a diet of nutritious and healthy feed instead. Butler’s Hens – like people – stay well by eating well!
Our family works hard each day to ensure your family can enjoy eggs that are free from artificial fertilizers, pesticides, hormones – with peace of mind about the conditions in which those eggs were produced. Delicious, organic eggs come from healthy, happy hens – just as it should be.

Organic Egg Certification
In Ireland, organic certification also means that your hens are free range. Organic egg certification is harder to get and maintain and much more tightly regulated than free range certification. Our hens are organic and also free range. They have an abundance of space indoors and outdoors to roam around in while they enjoy a chemical-free life that includes plenty of exercise on grassy pastures. They get to wander around, pecking and foraging to their heart’s content. This is farming as nature intended.